Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about Live Albury Wodonga and why we've created the Skills Board.

QWhat is Live Albury Wodonga?

Live Albury Wodonga is a platform that allows potential new residents to explore information about living in Albury Wodonga. Designed to complement our existing brands Visit Albury Wodonga and Invest Albury Wodonga, Live Albury Wodonga will showcase our lifestyle offering and further cement our reputation as an outstanding lifestyle destination.

QWhy has Live Albury Wodonga been created?

AlburyCity and Wodonga Council recognise that the growth of our region will result in strong economies, improved cultural and social opportunities and increased vibrancy. Live Albury Wodonga will provide a centralised point on information and valuable resources for those considering moving to the region.

We also understand that our two cities create on community and as a result have taken a collaborative approach to deliver wholisitic information on our region for potential new residents.

QWhat is the Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board?
  • The Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board provides a place where employers can highlight the skills they have an ongoing need for.
  • Employers will have the opportunity to list in-demand skills. This could include their hard-to-fill roles or skills that they are always looking for tin their business.
  • Potential new residents will be able to see the skills that employers are looking for and reach out to potential employers.
  • Our councils and partners will be able to better understand skills gaps in the region and better advocate for and provide practical support for businesses to fulfill their workforce needs.

Why has the Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board been created?


We acknowledge that skills shortages are impacting businesses across the region. Sustained advertising of positions on commercial platforms can become a financial burden for businesses, at a time when they can least afford it. The Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board provides a free, ongoing advertising opportunity for the skills required to support economic activity across our community.

Importantly, we know from our ongoing research into resident attraction that the top priority for relocators is finding a job. The Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board provides an important mechanism to connect two areas of need.

QHow is the Skills Board different from job search platforms like

The Live Albury Wodonga Skills Board is not based on individual job vacancies, rather certain skills that businesses are looking for an ongoing basis. This means that the board won't require regular updates like a job search platform.

When we have five or more of the same skills require from different employers, we will look to run geotargeted digital advertising campaigns into metro locations aimed at people with those skills in high demand.

QHow do I post a skill in need on the Skills Board?

The platform is completely free to use for businesses in the Albury Wodonga region. Employers can at any time gain access to the Skills Registration page on the website to upload their skills via

Employers are responsible for monitoring their listing and provide a direct link to employment information on their own website.

The economic Development teams at Albury and Wodonga Councils are happy to assist employers in navigating the platform.

QHow is Live Albury Wodonga being promoted to our target audiences?

Information sessions for Albury Wodonga employers will be held in the coming months, to provide further details on both the Live Albury Wodonga resident attraction platform and the Skills Board.

The Live Albury Wodonga platform will also be supported by a digital advertising campaign throughout 2022, targeting Melbourne and Sydney audiences.

Additionally, specific advertising of 'skills in need' will be undertaken on an ad hoc basis when five or more of the same skill are listed by different employers. This will involve undertaking geo-targeted digital advertising campaigns into metro locations aimed at people with those skills in high demand.

QWhere can I find out more information?
A The Economic Development teams at Albury and Wodonga Council are happy to assist and can be contacted via the below details or by accessing the 'contact us' page on the Live Albury Wodonga website.